火花 2021年10月18日

第四集:气候变化 & 全球健康,全球

展览贡献者:安德里亚Rezzonico博士. 尼诺Kharaishvili, Zoe Haseman, Jens Nielsen


Climate change impacts essential elements of our environment and health by intensifying existing health threats and supporting emergence of new global health problems. 气候变化加剧的一些值得注意的问题是呼吸系统疾病和心血管疾病, 与环境变化有关的伤害, 以及食品和水的安全/保障和传染病格局的变化. 世界卫生组织估计在2030年到2050年之间, 气候变化将导致250人死亡,到2030年,每年的卫生费用将增加20 - 40亿美元. 除了, 气候变化是造成比以往任何时候都更加频繁的复杂紧急情况的一个主要因素.

在这期节目中,我们和Dr. 尼诺Kharaishvili和Ms. 安德里亚Rezzonico about health and climate intersection and how it impacts the global One Health initiative and our common ecosystem. We will be exploring geographical areas around the globe and examine population categories that are most affected by the climate change and complex emergencies. 

We will also be discussing some actions that policy makers and leaders around the world need to take to build population resilience towards adverse effects coming from the climate change.

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首席执行官副手 & 战略风险委员会趋同风险实验室副主任


安德里亚Rezzonico是首席执行官的副手,也是汇聚风险实验室的副主任. 自2016年以来,她一直共同领导企业社会责任融合风险工作的发展和执行, 从分析气候变化关系的首个项目开始, 核的趋势, 安全动态. 她在CSR的大部分工作都集中在气候变化影响等问题上, 国际秩序的变化, 核能的发展, 生态退化风险, 还有大规模杀伤性武器. 她写了各种各样的报告,聚焦世界各地的许多这些交叉点. She is particularly interested in navigating and preparing for complex and/or simultaneous emergencies centered on the aforementioned issues. 安德里亚拿着一个M.A. in global security with a concentration in energy and environmental security from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A. 佛罗里达州立大学国际事务专业毕业.

“随着全球气温上升, extreme events associated with climate change will be increasingly layered over and/or intersect with other vulnerabilities This has and will continue to produce cascading and/or simultaneous crises. 或者换句话说:复杂的紧急情况. 在我看来,这是一个被忽视的关键角度, 这是一个我们正在努力全面解决的联系.”



首席执行官副手 & 战略风险委员会趋同风险实验室副主任

Dr. 尼诺Kharaishvili



Dr. 尼诺Kharaishvili is a healthcare expert with a working knowledge of 40 different countries across the former Soviet Union, 非洲, 东南亚, 和中东地区. She has over 17 years of international health consulting experience and has managed teams specializing in global health security, 卫生系统准备, 疾病监测, 生物安全和生物安保, 项目度量和评估.

Dr. Kharaishvili now serves as a Global 解决方案 Director for Health Governance and focuses on health system resilience and preparedness. 卫生系统正在适应和转变,以变得更加有效和有韧性, they require the support of advanced governance frameworks and alignment of functional responsibilities, 报告层次结构和资助机制. 雅各布斯建议各国政府, 医疗卫生机构, organizations and communities on creating and implementing new pathways for effective decision-making, 资源管理和操作环境. 我们关注的是系统结构, 政策框架, 监管机制, 金融模型, 医疗保健联盟和问责制.

“T在这里 are many impacts of climate change that directly impact human health and it is critical for the healthcare sector to adopt the mindset of decarbonization, 设定目标, 并减少排放,以更环保, 可持续运作方式.”


Dr. 尼诺Kharaishvili


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下一集我们将前往新加坡讨论净零城市, 激发真正的对话,意图 合作. 行为. 提交. 为了真正的改变.

